less than 1 minute read

First mission to the Jool system! I was getting bored of Duna and Eve, I wanted to see green gas giant Jool and its 5 moons. No particular contract here since I’ve never been there.

We need relay dishes, Jool being quite far away. The small lander doesn’t even have an engine, it will land using its RCS thrusters. The gravity is so low on Pol we should only need 130m/s of Δv from a 10km orbit to land.

Let’s burn to Jool!


We’re far away from Jool but we don’t really care. We want to go to Pol!

Pol being a large bumpy asteroid.

Detaching the lander, the relay will stay here so we have connection to the KSC.

646m/s Δv remaining with those RCS thrusters, and we only need 32.

Picking a flat surface was a bit tricky here.

The lander obviously embarked some science experiments, let’s transmit some data home :)
